巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(3)(在线收听


  The baronet has been in communication with the architect who prepared the plans for SirCharles, and with a contractor from London, so that we may expect great changes to begin heresoon. There have been decorators and furnishers up from Plymouth, and it is evident that ourfriend has large ideas and means to spare no pains or expense to restore the grandeur of his family.

  When the house is renovated and refurnished, all that he will need will be a wife to make itcomplete. Between ourselves there are pretty clear signs that this will not be wanting if the lady iswilling, for I have seldom seen a man more infatuated with a woman than he is with our beautifulneighbour, Miss Stapleton. And yet the course of true love does not run quite as smoothly as onewould under the circumstances expect. To-day, for example, its surface was broken by a veryunexpected ripple, which has caused our friend considerable perplexity and annoyance.

  准男爵已和曾为查尔兹爵士拟订修筑计划的建筑师与来自伦敦的营造商联系过了 , 还有来自普利摩斯的装饰匠和家俱商。 因此, 不久我们可能就会在这里看到巨大的变化了。 显然,我们的朋友怀有规模巨大的理想, 并决定不辞辛苦、 不惜代价地来恢复这个大族的威望。 在这所房子经过整修刷新并重新布置之后, 所差的也就是一位夫人了 。 我们可以从一些迹象中很清楚地看到, 只要这位女士愿意的话, 这一点就不会“尚付阙如” 了, 因为我很少见到过一个男人会象他对我们的美丽的邻居斯台普吞小姐那样地着迷。 可是, 在这种情况之下, 真正爱情的发展并不象人们所期望的那样顺利。 譬如说吧, 爱情之海的平静的水面今天就被一阵意想不到的波澜所扰乱了, 给我们的朋友造成了很大的不安和烦恼。

  After the conversation which I have quoted about Barrymore, Sir Henry put on his hat andprepared to go out. As a matter of course I did the same.

  在结束了我曾提过的那段关于白瑞摩的谈话之后, 亨利爵士就戴上帽子准备出去了, 当然我也准备出去。
