巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(6)(在线收听


  Our friend, Sir Henry, and the lady had halted on the path and were standing deeply absorbedin their conversation, when I was suddenly aware that I was not the only witness of their interview.

  A wisp of green floating in the air caught my eye, and another glance showed me that it wascarried on a stick by a man who was moving among the broken ground. It was Stapleton with hisbutterfly-net. He was very much closer to the pair than I was, and he appeared to be moving intheir direction. At this instant Sir Henry suddenly drew Miss Stapleton to his side. His arm wasround her, but it seemed to me that she was straining away from him with her face averted. Hestooped his head to hers, and she raised one hand as if in protest. Next moment I saw them springapart and turn hurriedly round. Stapleton was the cause of the interruption. He was running wildlytowards them, his absurd net dangling behind him. He gesticulated and almost danced withexcitement in front of the lovers. What the scene meant I could not imagine, but it seemed to methat Stapleton was abusing Sir Henry, who offered explanations, which became more angry as theother refused to accept them. The lady stood by in haughty silence. Finally Stapleton turned uponhis heel and beckoned in a peremptory way to his sister, who, after an irresolute glance at SirHenry, walked off by the side of her brother. The naturalist's angry gestures showed that the ladywas included in his displeasure. The baronet stood for a minute looking after them, and then hewalked slowly back the way that he had come, his head hanging, the very picture of dejection.

  咱们的朋友亨利爵士和那位女士又停住了脚步, 站在那里全神贯注地谈着话, 我突然发现, 看到他们会面的并不止我一个人, 因为我一眼看到了 一个绿色的东西在空中浮动着, 再一看才知道那绿色的东西是装在一根杆子的顶端的, 拿着那杆子的人正在坎坷不平的地方走着。 原来那正是斯台普吞拿着他的捕蝶网。 他距那对情侣要比我近得多, 他好象是在向着他们的方向走去。 正在那时, 亨利爵士突然将斯台普台小姐拉近身旁, 他的胳臂环抱着她, 她似乎力图由他手中挣脱, 她的脸躲向一边。 他低头向她, 可是她象是抗议似地举起一只手来。

  随后我看到他们一跳就分开了, 并且慌忙地转过身来, 原来是受到了斯台普吞的搅扰。 他狂奔着向他俩跑去, 那只捕蝶网可笑地在他身后摆动着。 他在那对爱侣面前激怒得手舞足蹈起来, 可是我想象不出他究竟是什么意思。 看样子似乎是斯台普吞在责骂亨利爵士, 爵士在进行解释, 可是斯台普吞不但拒绝接受, 而且变得更加暴怒了, 那位女士高傲而沉默地在旁边站着。 最后斯台普吞转过身 去专横地向他妹妹招了招手, 她犹豫不决地看了亨利爵士一眼之后, 就和她哥哥并肩走了。 那生物学家的手势说明, 他对那位女士也同样的极感不快。 准男爵望着他们的背影站了一会, 然后就慢慢地沿着来路走回去了。 他低着头, 充分表现出一副失意的神态。
