巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(7)(在线收听


  What all this meant I could not imagine, but I was deeply ashamed to have witnessed sointimate a scene without my friend's knowledge. I ran down the hill therefore and met the baronetat the bottom. His face was flushed with anger and his brows were wrinkled, like one who is at hiswit's ends what to do.

  我不知道这究竟都是怎么回事, 我只是因为自己在咱们的朋友不知不觉的时候, 偷看了他们这样亲密的情景而深感羞愧。 我沿着山坡跑了下去, 和准男爵在山脚下相遇。 他的脸色气得通红, 双眉紧皱, 就象是个智穷才竭不知所措的人一样。

  "Halloa, Watson! Where have you dropped from?" said he. "You don't mean to say that youcame after me in spite of all?"

  “天哪! 华生, 您是从哪里掉下来的, ” 他说道, “难道说您竟真的尾随我来了吗? ”

  I explained everything to him: how I had found it impossible to remain behind, how I hadfollowed him, and how I had witnessed all that had occurred. For an instant his eyes blazed at me,but my frankness disarmed his anger, and he broke at last into a rather rueful laugh.

  我把一切都解释给他听了: 我怎样感到再不可能呆在家里, 我怎样跟踪了 他, 以及我怎样看到了所发生的一切。他以怒火炽燃的眼睛向我看了一会, 可是我的坦白冲淡了 他的怒气,他终于发出了悔恨失望的笑声。

  "You would have thought the middle of that prairie a fairly safe place for a man to beprivate," said he, "but, by thunder, the whole countryside seems to have been out to see me do mywooing -- and a mighty poor wooing at that! Where had you engaged a seat?"“我原以为平原的中心是个不会被人发现的相当可靠的地方呢。” 他说道,“可是天哪!

  就好象全乡 的人都跑了出来看我求婚似的——而且还是这样糟糕透顶的求婚! 你找到的座位在什么地方啊? ”

  "I was on that hill."


  "Quite in the back row, eh? But her brother was well up to the front. Did you see him comeout on us?"

  “原来是坐在很远的后排呀, 啊! 但是她哥哥可真的跑到最前排来了。 您看到他向我们跑过去了吗? ”

  "Yes, I did."

  “是的, 我看到了 。”

  "Did he ever strike you as being crazy -- this brother of hers?"“您曾经见过他象是疯了似的吗? ——她那位好哥哥。”

  "I can't say that he ever did."

