巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(10)(在线收听


  I tried one or two explanations, but, indeed, I was completely puzzled myself. Our friend'stitle, his fortune, his age, his character, and his appearance are all in his favour, and I knownothing against him unless it be this dark fate which runs in his family. That his advances shouldbe rejected so brusquely without any reference to the lady's own wishes and that the lady shouldaccept the situation without protest is very amazing. However, our conjectures were set at rest by avisit from Stapleton himself that very afternoon. He had come to offer apologies for his rudenessof the morning, and after a long private interview with Sir Henry in his study the upshot of theirconversation was that the breach is quite healed, and that we are to dine at Merripit House nextFriday as a sign of it.

  我当时虽然试着提出了一、 二种解释; 可是, 说实在的, 连我自 己也并没有真正弄清其所以然。 就咱们朋友的身分、 财产、 年龄、 人品和仪表来说, 条件都是最优越的, 除了萦绕他家的厄运之外, 我简直找不到任何于他不利的地方。 使人十分吃惊的倒是: 丝毫不考虑女士本人的意愿, 就对她的追求者给以这样粗暴的回绝; 而那位女士在这种情况下, 也竟能毫不表示任何抗议。 当天下午, 斯台普吞又亲自来访, 这才算是把我们心里的种种猜测平息了下去。 他是为了自己早晨的态度粗鲁而来道歉的, 两人在亨利爵士的书房里经过长时间的会谈, 结果裂痕消除了 。 由我们决定下星期到梅利琵去吃饭这件事就可以看得出来。

  "l don't say now that he isn't a crazy man," said Sir Henry "I can't forget the look in his eyeswhen he ran at me this morning, but I must allow that no man could make a more handsomeapology than he has done."

  “我并不是说他现在就不是个疯子了, ” 亨利爵士说道,“我忘不了今早他向我跑来时的那股眼神, 可是我不得不承认, 再没有人道歉能道得象他这样圆满自然了 。”

  "Did he give any explanation of his conduct?"“他对他早晨那种行为做过任何解释吗? ”
