巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(13)(在线收听


  We had arranged no plan of campaign, but the baronet is a man to whom the most direct wayis always the most natural. He walked into the room, and as he did so Barrymore sprang up fromthe window with a sharp hiss of his breath and stood, livid and trembling, before us. His dark eyes,glaring out of the white mask of his face, were full of horror and astonishment as he gazed fromSir Henry to me.

  我们预先并未安排好行动计划, 可是准男爵这个人总是认为最直率的办法永远是最自然的办法。 他走进屋去, 白瑞摩随即一跳就离开了窗口, 猛地吸了一口气就在我们面前站住了,面色灰白, 浑身发抖。 他看看亨利爵士又看看我, 在他那苍白的脸上, 闪闪发光的漆黑的眼睛里充满了惊恐的神色。

  "What are you doing here, Barrymore?"

  “你在这里干什么呢, 白瑞摩? ”

  "Nothing, sir." His agitation was so great that he could hardly speak, and the shadows sprangup and down from the shaking of his candle. "It was the window, sir. I go round at night to see thatthey are fastened."

  “没干什么, 爵爷。” 强烈的惊恐不安使他简直说不出话来了, 由于他手中的蜡烛不断地抖动, 使得人影也不停地跳动着。“爵爷, 我是夜间四处走一走, 看看窗户是否都上了插销。 ”

  "On the second floor?"

  “二楼上的吗? ”

  "Yes, sir, all the windows."

  “是的, 爵爷。 所有的窗户。”

  "Look here, Barrymore," said Sir Henry sternly, "we have made up our minds to have thetruth out of you, so it will save you trouble to tell it sooner rather than later. Come, now! No lies!

  What were you doing at that window?'

  “告诉你, 白瑞摩, ” 亨利爵士严厉地说道,“我们已决心要让你说出实话来, 所以, 你与其晚说还不如早说, 免得我麻烦。 现在, 说吧! 可不要谎话! 你在那窗前干什么来着? ”

  The fellow looked at us in a helpless way, and he wrung his hands together like one who is inthe last extremity of doubt and misery.

  那家伙无可奈何地望着我们, 就象是个陷于极端疑惧、 痛苦的人似的, 两手扭在一起。
