巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(15)(在线收听


  "It is my business, and not yours. I will not tell."“这是我个人的事, 不是您的事, 我一定不说。”

  "Then you leave my employment right away."“那么你马上就不要在这里干事了 。”

  "Very good, sir. If I must I must."

  “好极了, 爵爷。 如果我必须走的话我就一定走。”

  "And you go in disgrace. By thunder, you may well be ashamed of yourself. Your family haslived with mine for over a hundred years under this roof, and here I find you deep in some darkplot against me."

  “你是很不体面地离开的。 天哪! 你真该知些羞耻啊! 你家的人和我家的人在这所房子里同居共处有一百年之久了, 而现在我竟会发现你在处心积虑地搞什么阴谋来害我。”

  "No, no, sir; no, not against you!" It was a woman's voice, and Mrs. Barrymore, paler andmore horror-struck than her husband, was standing at the door. Her bulky figure in a shawl andskirt might have been comic were it not for the intensity of feeling upon her face.

  “不, 不, 爵爷, 不是害您呀!” 传来了一个女人的声音。 白瑞摩太太正站在门口, 脸色比她丈夫更加苍白, 样子也更加惶恐。 如果不是她脸上惊恐的表情的话, 她那穿着裙子、披着披肩的庞大身躯也许会显得可笑了呢。

  "We have to go, Eliza. This is the end of it. You can pack our things," said the butler.

  “咱们一定得走。 伊莉萨。 事情算是到了头了。 去把咱们的东西收拾一下吧。” 管家说道。

  "Oh, John, John, have I brought you to this? It is my doing, Sir Henry -- all mine. He hasdone nothing except for my sake and because I asked him."“喔, 约翰哪! 约翰! 是我把你连累到这种地步的, 这都是我干的, 亨利爵士——全是我的事。 完全是因为我的缘故, 而且是因为我请求了他, 他才那样做的。”

  "Speak out, then! What does it mean?"

  “那么, 就说出来吧, 究竟是什么意思呢? ”

  "My unhappy brother is starving on the moor. We cannot let him perish at our very gates. Thelight is a signal to him that food is ready for him, and his light out yonder is to show the spot towhich to bring it."

  “我那不幸的弟弟正在沼地里挨饿呢, 我们不能让他在我们的门口饿死。 这灯光就是告诉他食物已准备好了 的信号, 而他那边的灯光则是表明送饭地点的。”

  "Then your brother is --"

  “那么说, 您的弟弟就是……”

  "The escaped convict, sir -- Selden, the criminal."“就是那个逃犯, 爵爷——那个罪犯塞尔丹。”
