巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(16)(在线收听


  "That's the truth, sir," said Barrymore. "I said that it was not my secret and that I could nottell it to you. But now you have heard it, and you will see that if there was a plot it was not againstyou."

  “这是实情, 爵爷。” 白瑞摩说道,“我说过, 那不是我个人的秘密, 而且我也不能告诉您。 可是, 现在您已经听到了, 您会明白的, 即使有个阴谋, 也不是害您的。”

  This, then, was the explanation of the stealthy expeditions at night and the light at thewindow. Sir Henry and I both stared at the woman in amazement. Was it possible that this stolidlyrespectable person was of the same blood as one of the most notorious criminals in the country?

  这就是对于深夜潜行和窗前灯光的解释。 亨利爵士和我都惊异地盯着那个女人。 难道这是可能的吗? 这位顽强而可敬的女人竟会和那全国最最声名狼藉的罪犯同出一母?

  "Yes, sir, my name was Selden, and he is my younger brother. We humoured him too muchwhen he was a lad and gave him his own way in everything until he came to think that the worldwas made for his pleasure, and that he could do what he liked in it. Then as he grew older he metwicked companions, and the devil entered into him until he broke my mother's heart and draggedour name in the dirt. From crime to crime he sank lower and lower until it is only the mercy ofGod which has snatched him from the scaffold; but to me, sir, he was always the littlecurly-headed boy that I had nursed and played with as an elder sister would. That was why hebroke prison, sir. He knew that I was here and that we could not refuse to help him. When hedragged himself here one night, weary and starving, with the warders hard at his heels, what couldwe do? We took him in and fed him and cared for him. Then you returned, sir, and my brotherthought he would be safer on the moor than anywhere else until the hue and cry was over, so helay in hiding there. But every second night we made sure if he was still there by putting a light inthe window, and if there was an answer my husband took out some bread and meat to him. Everyday we hoped that he was gone, but as long as he was there we could not desert him. That is thewhole truth, as I am an honest Christian woman and you will see that if there is blame in thematter it does not lie with my husband but with me, for whose sake he has done all that he has."“是的, 爵爷, 我就姓塞尔丹, 他就是我的弟弟。 在他小的时候, 我们把他纵容过度了,不管什么事情都是随着他的意思, 弄得他认为世界就是为了使他快乐才存在的, 因此他就应该在这个世界里为所欲为。 他长大以后, 又碰上了坏朋友, 于是他就变坏了, 一直搞到使我母亲为之心碎, 并且玷污了我们家的名声。 由于一再地犯罪, 他就愈陷愈深, 终于弄到了若不是上帝仁慈的话, 他就会被送上断头台的地步。 可是对我说来, 爵爷, 他永远是我这个做姐姐的曾经抚育过和共同嬉戏过的那个一头卷发的孩子。 他之所以敢于逃出监狱来, 爵爷,就是因为他知道我们在这里住, 而且我们也不能不给他以帮助。 有一天夜晚, 他拖着疲倦而饥饿的身体到了这里, 狱卒在后面穷追不舍, 我们还能怎么办呢? 我们就把他领了进来, 给他饭吃, 照顾着他。 后来, 爵爷, 您就来了, 我弟弟认为在风声过去以前, 他到沼地里去比在哪里都更安全些, 因此他就到那里去藏起来了。 在每隔一天的晚上, 我们就在窗前放一个灯火, 看看他是不是还在那里, 如果有回答信号的话, 我丈夫就给他送去一些面包和肉。 我们每天都希望着他快走, 可是只要是他还在那里, 我们就不能置而不顾。 这就是全部的实情,我是个诚实的基督徒, 您能看得出来, 如果这样做有什么罪过的话, 都不能怨我丈夫, 而应该怪我, 因为他是为我才干那些事的。”
