巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(20)(在线收听


  "A hound it was," he said at last, "but it seemed to come from miles away, over yonder, Ithink."

  “是一只猎狗, ” 他终于又说话了 , ” 可是那声音好象是从几里地以外传来的, 我想大概是那边。”

  "It was hard to say whence it came."


  "It rose and fell with the wind. Isn't that the direction of the great Grimpen Mire?"“声音随着风势而变得忽高忽低。 那边不就是大格林盆那个方向吗? ”

  "Yes, it is."

  “嗯, 正是。”

  "Well, it was up there. Come now, Watson, didn't you think yourself that it was the cry of ahound? I am not a child. You need not fear to speak the truth."“啊, 是在那边。 喂, 华生, 您不认为那是猎狗的叫声吗? 我又不是小孩, 您不用怕,尽管说实话好了 。”

  "Stapleton was with me when I heard it last. He said that it might be the calling of a strangebird."

  “我上次听到的时候, 正和斯台普吞在一起。 他说那可能是一种怪鸟的叫声。”

  "No, no, it was a hound. My God, can there be some truth in all these stories? Is it possiblethat I am really in danger from so dark a cause? You don't believe it, do you, Watson?"“不对, 不对, 那是猎狗。 我的上帝呀, 难道这些故事会有几分真实吗? 您不会相信这些吧, 您会吗, 华生? ”

  "No, no."

  “不, 我决不相信。”

  "And yet it was one thing to laugh about it in London, and it is another to stand out here inthe darkness of the moor and to hear such a cry as that. And my uncle! There was the footprint ofthe hound beside him as he lay. It all fits together. I don't think that I am a coward, Watson, butthat sound seemed to freeze my very blood. Feel my hand!"“这件事在伦敦可以当作笑料, 但是在这里, 站在漆黑的沼地里, 听着象这样的叫声,就完全是另外一回事了。 我的伯父死后, 在他躺着的地方, 旁边有猎狗的足迹, 这些都凑在一起了。 我不认为我是个胆小鬼, 华生, 可是那种声音简直把我浑身的血都要凝住了。 您摸摸我的手!”

  It was as cold as a block of marble.

