巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生日记摘录(5)(在线收听


  "He'll break into no house, sir. I give you my solemn word upon that. But he will nevertrouble anyone in this country again. I assure you, Sir Henry, that in a very few days the necessaryarrangements will have been made and he will be on his way to South America. For God's sake, sir,I beg of you not to let the police know that he is still on the moor. They have given up the chasethere, and he can lie quiet until the ship is ready for him. You can't tell on him without getting mywife and me into trouble. I beg you, sir, to say nothing to the police."“他绝不会闯进任何人家的, 爵爷, 这一点我可以向您保证。 反正他在这里再不会骚扰任何人了, 我向您保证, 亨利爵士, 过不了几天就可做好必要的安排, 他就要去南美了。 看在上帝的面上, 爵爷, 我恳求您不要让警察知道他还在沼地里。 在那里他们已经放弃了对他的追捕了, 他可以一直安静地藏到准备好船只的时候为止。 您若告发了他, 就一定要使我和我的妻子遭到麻烦。 我恳求您, 爵爷, 什么也不要和警察说。”

  "What do you say, Watson?"

  “你看怎么样, 华生? ”

  I shrugged my shoulders. "If he were safely out of the country it would relieve the tax-payerof a burden."

  我耸了耸肩。“如果他能安全地离开这个国家, 那就能给纳税人减去一桩负担呢。”

  "But how about the chance of his holding someone up before he goes?"“可是他会不会在临走以前搞谁一家伙呢? ”

  "He would not do anything so mad, sir. We have provided him with all that he can want. Tocommit a crime would be to show where he was hiding."“他不会这样发疯的, 爵爷, 他所需要的一切东西我们都给他准备齐全了。 他若再犯一次罪就会暴露他的藏身之所了 。”

  "That is true," said Sir Henry. "Well, Barrymore --"“这倒是实话, ” 亨利爵士说道,“好吧, 白瑞摩……”

  "God bless you, sir, and thank you from my heart! It would have killed my poor wife had hebeen taken again."

  “上帝祝福您, 爵爷, 我从心眼里感激您! 如果他再度被捕的话, 我那可怜的妻子一定要活不成了。”

  "I guess we are aiding and abetting a felony, Watson? But, after what we have heard I don'tfeel as if I could give the man up, so there is an end of it. All right, Barrymore, you can go."“我想咱们这是在怂恿助成一件重大的罪行吧, 华生? 可是在听了他刚才说的那些话以后, 我觉得好象已经不能再检举那人似的, 算了 吧! 好吧, 白瑞摩, 你可以走了 。”

  With a few broken words of gratitude the man turned, but he hesitated and then came back.

  那人一边断断续续地说了些感谢的话, 一边转过身去, 可是他犹豫一下之后又回转身来。
