巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生日记摘录(8)(在线收听


  "You thought it might injure his reputation?"“你以为这一点会有伤他的名誉吗? ”

  "Well, sir, I thought no good could come of it. But now you have been kind to us, and I feelas if it would be treating you unfairly not to tell you all that I know about the matter."“嗯, 爵爷, 我想这总不会有什么好结果的。 可是您现在对我们这样好, 使我觉得, 如果我不把这件事的全部情况都告诉您, 那我就太对不起您了 。”

  "Very good, Barrymore; you can go." When the butler had left us Sir Henry turned to me.

  "Well, Watson, what do you think of this new light?"“好极了, 白瑞摩, 你可以走了 。” 当管事的走了以后, 亨利爵士转身 向我说道, “喂,华生, 您对这新发现怎么看法? ”

  "It seems to leave the darkness rather blacker than before."“好象又是一个难解的问题, 弄得比以前更加使人莫名其妙了 。”

  "So I think. But if we can only trace L. L. it should clear up the whole business. We havegained that much. We know that there is someone who has the facts if we can only find her. Whatdo you think we should do?"

  “我也是这样想呢, 可是只要咱们能够查明L .L .这个人, 可能就会把整个问题都搞清楚了。 咱们能得到的线索就是这么多了, 咱们已经知道, 有人了解事情的真相, 只要能找到她就好了。 您认为咱们应当从何着手呢? ”

  "Let Holmes know all about it at once. It will give him the clue for which he has beenseeking. I am much mistaken if it does not bring him down."“马上将全部经过告诉福尔摩斯, 这样就能把他一直在寻找的线索供给他了。 如果这样还不能把他吸引到这里来, 那才真是怪事呢。”

  I went at once to my room and drew up my report of the morning's conversation for Holmes.

  It was evident to me that he had been very busy of late, for the notes which I had from BakerStreet were few and short, with no comments upon the information which I had supplied andhardly any reference to my mission. No doubt his blackmailing case is absorbing all his faculties.

  And yet this new factor must surely arrest his attention and renew his interest. I wish that he werehere.

  我马上回到自己的屋里去, 给福尔摩斯写了关于今早那次谈话的报告。 我很清楚, 他最近很忙, 因为从贝克街寄来的信很少。 写得也短, 对于我所供给他的消息也没有提出什么意见, 而且更难得提到关于我的任务。 无疑的是他的精神已全部贯注在那封匿名恐吓信的案件上面了。 可是, 事情的这种新的进展, 定会引起他的注意并能恢复他对这个案子的兴趣的。

