巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生日记摘录(11)(在线收听

  "I fancy old Frankland allows her a pittance, but it cannot be more, for his own affairs areconsiderably involved. Whatever she may have deserved one could not allow her to go hopelesslyto the bad. Her story got about, and several of the people here did something to enable her to earnan honest living. Stapleton did for one, and Sir Charles for another. I gave a trifle myself. It was toset her up in a typewriting business."

  “我想老弗兰克兰会给她一些资助的, 可是不可能多, 因为他自 己的那些乱事已经把他拖累得相当够受了。 不管她是如何的罪有应得, 总不能让她不可救药地趋于堕落啊。 她的事传出去以后, 此地有些人就设法帮助她, 使她能过正当的生活。 斯台普吞和查尔兹都帮了忙,我也给过一点钱, 为的是让她作起打字的营业来。”

  He wanted to know the object of my inquiries, but I managed to satisfy his curiosity withouttelling him too much, for there is no reason why we should take anyone into our confidence.

  To-morrow morning I shall find my way to Coombe Tracey, and if I can see this Mrs. Laura Lyons,of equivocal reputation, a long step will have been made towards clearing one incident in thischain of mysteries. I am certainly developing the wisdom of the serpent, for when Mortimerpressed his questions to an inconvenient extent I asked him casually to what type Frankland's skullbelonged, and so heard nothing but craniology for the rest of our drive. I have not lived for yearswith Sherlock Holmes for nothing.

  他想知道我问这些问题的目的何在, 可是我没法满足他的好奇心, 并没有告诉他许多,因为我没有理由对随便任何人都给以信任。 明早我要到库姆· 特雷西去。 如果我能见到那位名声暧昧的劳拉·莱昂丝太太的话, 就会把为弄清这一连串神秘莫测的事情所做的调查工作大大地向前推进一步了。 我一定发展到象蛇一样地聪明了, 因为当摩梯末追问到很不便回答的时候, 我就随便地问了 问他弗兰克兰的颅骨属于哪一种类型。 这样一来, 一直到抵达目的地为止, 除了头骨学之外就什么也听不到了。 我总算没有白和歇洛克· 福尔摩斯相处了这么多年。

  I have only one other incident to record upon this tempestuous and melancholy day. This wasmy conversation with Barrymore just now, which gives me one more strong card which I can playin due time.

  在这狂风暴雨的阴惨的天气里, 只有一件值得记载的事。那就是我刚才和白瑞摩的谈话,他又给了我一张能在适当的时候亮出来用的有力的好牌。
