巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(1)(在线收听


  Chapter 11 - The Man on the Tor

  第十一章 岩岗上的人

  The extract from my private diary which forms the last chapter has brought my narrative upto the eighteenth of October, a time when these strange events began to move swiftly towards theirterrible conclusion. The incidents of the next few days are indelibly graven upon my recollection,and I can tell them without reference to the notes made at the time. I start them from the daywhich succeeded that upon which I had established two facts of great importance, the one that Mrs.

  Laura Lyons of Coombe Tracey had written to Sir Charles Baskerville and made an appointmentwith him at the very place and hour that he met his death, the other that the lurking man upon themoor was to be found among the stone huts upon the hillside. With these two facts in mypossession I felt that either my intelligence or my courage must be deficient if I could not throwsome further light upon these dark places.

  用摘录我日记的方法写成的上一章, 已经叙述到十月十八日了。 那时正是这些怪事开始迅速发展, 快要接近可怕的结局的时候。 随后几天所发生的事情都已难忘地铭刻在我的记忆之中, 不用参考当时所作的记录我就能说得出来。 我就从明确了 两个极为重要的事实的次日说起吧。 所说的两个事实之一, 就是库姆· 特雷西的劳拉· 莱昂丝太太曾经给查尔兹· 巴斯克维尔爵士写过信, 并约定在他死去的那个地点和时间相见; 另一个就是潜藏在沼地里的那个人, 可以在山边的石头房子里面找到。 掌握了这两个情况之后, 我觉得如果我还不能使疑案稍露端倪, 那我一定不是低能就是缺乏勇气了 。

  I had no opportunity to tell the baronet what I had learned about Mrs. Lyons upon the eveningbefore, for Dr. Mortimer remained with him at cards until it was very late. At breakfast, however, Iinformed him about my discovery and asked him whether he would care to accompany me toCoombe Tracey. At first he was very eager to come, but on second thoughts it seemed to both ofus that if I went alone the results might be better. The more formal we made the visit the lessinformation we might obtain. I left Sir Henry behind, therefore, not without some prickings ofconscience, and drove off upon my new quest.

  昨天傍晚, 未能得到机会把我当时所了解到的关于莱昂丝太太的事告诉准男爵, 因为摩梯末医生和他玩牌一直玩到很晚。 今天早饭时, 我才把我的发现告诉了他, 并问他是否愿意陪我到库姆· 特雷西去。 起初他很急于要去, 可是经过重新考虑之后, 我们两人都觉得, 如果我单独去, 结果会更好一些。 因为访问的形式愈是郑重其事, 我们所能得知的情况就会愈少。 于是我就把亨利爵士留在家里了, 心中难免稍感不安地驾车出发去进行新的探索了。
