巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(6)(在线收听


  "Yes, I did write it," she cried, pouring out her soul in a torrent of words. "I did write it. Whyshould I deny it? I have no reason to be ashamed of it. I wished him to help me. I believed that if Ihad an interview I could gain his help, so I asked him to meet me."“是的, 我写过, ” 她喊道, 同时把满腹的心事都滔滔不绝地说了出来,“是我写的。 我干什么要否认这事呢? 我没有理由要因此而感到可耻, 我希望他能帮助我, 我相信如果我能亲自和他见面的话, 就可能得到他的协助, 因此我才请求他和我见面的。”

  "But why at such an hour?"

  “可是为什么约在这样一个时间呢? ”

  "Because I had only just learned that he was going to London next day and might be away formonths. There were reasons why I could not get there earlier."“因为那时我刚知道他第二天就要到伦敦去, 而且一去也许就是几个月 。 由于其他原因我又不能早一点到那里去。”

  "But why a rendezvous in the garden instead of a visit to the house?"“可是为什么要在花园里会面而不到房子里面去拜访呢? ”

  "Do you think a woman could go alone at that hour to a bachelor's house?"“您想, 一个女人能在那个时候单独到一个单身 汉的家里去吗? ”

  "Well, what happened when you did get there?"“噢, 您到那里去了 以后, 发生了 什么事没有? ”

  "I never went."


  "Mrs. Lyons!"


  "No, I swear it to you on all I hold sacred. I never went. Something intervened to prevent mygoing."

  “没有去, 我拿一切我认为是最神圣的东西向您发誓。 我没有去。 有一件事使我不能去了。 ”

  "What was that?"

  “那是件什么事呢? ”

  "That is a private matter. I cannot tell it."“那是一件私事, 我不能说。”

  "You acknowledge then that you made an appointment with Sir Charles at the very hour andplace at which he met his death, but you deny that you kept the appointment."“那么, 您承认您曾和查尔兹爵士约定在那正是他死去的时间和地点相会, 可是您又否认您曾守约前往。”

  "That is the truth."


  Again and again I cross-questioned her, but I could never get past that point.

  我一再地盘问了她, 可是往下再也问不出什么东西来了。
