巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(8)(在线收听


  "My life has been one incessant persecution from a husband whom I abhor. The law is uponhis side, and every day I am faced by the possibility that he may force me to live with him. At thetime that I wrote this letter to Sir Charles I had learned that there was a prospect of my regainingmy freedom if certain expenses could be met. It meant everything to me -- peace of mind,happiness, self-respect -- everything. I knew Sir Charles's generosity, and I thought that if he heardthe story from my own lips he would help me."“我过着不断遭受我已厌恶透顶的丈夫迫害的生活。 法律袒护着他, 每天我都面临着被迫和他同居的可能。 在我给查尔兹爵士写这封信的时候, 我听说如果我能支付一笔钱的话,我就可能重获自由了 。 这就是我所想望的一切——心地宁静、 幸福、 自尊——这就是一切。

  我知道查尔兹爵士是慷慨的, 而且我想, 如果他听我亲口讲出这事的话, 他就一定会帮助我。”

  "Then how is it that you did not go?"

  “那么您为什么又没有去呢? ”

  "Because I received help in the interval from another source."“因为就在那时候, 我又从别处得到帮助了 。”

  "Why then, did you not write to Sir Charles and explain this?"“那么, 为什么您没有写信给查尔兹爵士解释这件事呢? ”

  "So I should have done had I not seen his death in the paper next morning."“如果第二天早晨我没有在报上看到他的噩耗的话, 我一定会这样做的。”

  The woman's story hung coherently together, and all my questions were unable to shake it. Icould only check it by finding if she had, indeed, instituted divorce proceedings against herhusband at or about the time of the tragedy.

  那女人的叙述前后相符, 我提尽了所有的问题也找不出破绽来。 我只能调查一下, 是否恰在悲剧发生的时候或是接近悲剧发生的时候, 她确曾通过法律程序向她丈夫提出过离婚诉讼。
