巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(10)(在线收听


  And that was a most vague direction. I realized it as I drove back and noted how hill after hillshowed traces of the ancient people. Barrymore's only indication had been that the stranger livedin one of these abandoned huts, and many hundreds of them are scattered throughout the lengthand breadth of the moor. But I had my own experience for a guide since it had shown me the manhimself standing upon the summit of the Black Tor. That, then, should be the centre of my search.

  From there I should explore every hut upon the moor until I lighted upon the right one. If this manwere inside it I should find out from his own lips, at the point of my revolver if necessary, who hewas and why he had dogged us so long. He might slip away from us in the crowd of Regent Street,but it would puzzle him to do so upon the lonely moor. On the other hand, if I should find the hutand its tenant should not be within it I must remain there, however long the vigil, until he returned.

  Holmes had missed him in London. It would indeed be a triumph for me if I could run him toearth where my master had failed.

  可是这也是个希望极为渺茫的方向, 在我回去的路上我感到了这一点。 我看到一座山接着一座山, 上面都有古时人们生活的遗迹。 白瑞摩只不过说那个人住在这些废弃不用的小房之中的一幢里, 这种小房子成百成千地散布在整个的沼地里。 幸而我曾看见过那人站在黑岩岗的绝顶上, 我不妨就先以此作为线索, 把我看到过他的那个地方作为进行搜寻的中心。 我应当从那里开始查看沼地里的每一幢小房, 直至找到我要找的那幢为止。 如果那人呆在房内的话, 我要让他亲口说明他是谁, 为什么要这么长时期地跟踪我们, 必要时甚至不惜用我的手枪逼着他说。 在摄政街的人群里他也许能从我们的手中溜跑, 可是在这样荒漠的沼地里,恐怕他就会感到不知如何是好了 。 但是如果我找到了那小房而那人不在房里的话, 不管需要熬多久的夜, 我也要在那里等着, 直到他回来为止。 在伦敦, 福尔摩斯让他溜跑了, 在我的师傅失败之后, 如果我能将他查出的话, 对我说来确是一个很大的胜利。
