巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(11)(在线收听


  Luck had been against us again and again in this inquiry, but now at last it came to my aid.

  And the messenger of good fortune was none other than Mr. Frankland, who was standing,gray-whiskered and red-faced, outside the gate of bis garden, which opened on to the highroadalong which I travelled.

  我们在对这个案件进行调查的工作中, 运气一再地不佳, 可是现在我竟时来运转了, 而送来好运道的使者不是别人, 恰是弗兰克兰先生。 他胡须花白, 面色红润, 正站在他那花园的门口, 那园门端正地开向我要走过的大道。

  "Good-day, Dr. Watson," cried he with unwonted good humour, "you must really give yourhorses a rest and come in to have a glass of wine and to congratulate me."“好啊, 华生医生, ” 他兴致勃勃地喊道,“您真得让您的马休息一下了, 进来喝一杯酒祝贺我吧。”

  My feelings towards him were very far from being friendly after what I had heard of histreatment of his daughter, but I was anxious to send Perkins and the wagonette home, and theopportunity was a good one. I alighted and sent a message to Sir Henry that I should walk over intime for dinner. Then I followed Frankland into his dining-room.

  在听到他如何对待他的女儿以后, 我对他实在说不上还有什么好感, 可是我正急于想把波斯金和马车遣回家去, 这确实是个好机会。 我下了车, 给亨利爵士写了 个便条, 说明我要在晚饭时分散步回去。 然后我就跟着弗兰克兰先生走进了他的饭厅。

  "It is a great day for me, sir -- one of the red-letter days of my life," he cried with manychuckles. "I have brought off a double event. I mean to teach them in these parts that law is law,and that there is a man here who does not fear to invoke it. I have established a right of waythrough the centre of old Middleton's park, slap across it, sir, within a hundred yards of his ownfront door. What do you think of that? We'll teach these magnates that they cannot ride roughshodover the rights of the commoners, confound them! And I've closed the wood where theFernworthy folk used to picnic. These infernal people seem to think that there are no rights ofproperty, and that they can swarm where they like with their papers and their bottles. Both casesdecided Dr. Watson, and both in my favour. I haven't had such a day since I had Sir John Morlandfor trespass because he shot in his own warren."“对我说来可真是个了不起的一天啊, 先生, 是我一生里的一个大喜的日子, ” 他不停地格格地笑着, 一面喊道,“我已了结两件案子了。 我一定要教训一下这里的人们, 让他们知道, 法律就是法律。 这儿竟还有个不怕打官司的人呢。 我已证实了有一条公路整整穿过老米多吞的花园的中心, 先生, 离他的前门不到一百码。 您对这点觉得如何? 咱们真得教训教训这帮大人物了, 让他们知道知道, 不能任意蹂躏平民的权利, 这些个混蛋! 我还封闭了一片弗恩沃西家的人常去野餐的树林。 这些无法无天的人们似乎认为产权根本不存在, 他们可以到处乱钻, 随处乱丢烂纸空瓶。 华生医生, 这两件案子我都胜诉了 。 从约翰· 摩兰爵士因为在自己的鸟兽畜养场里放枪而被我告发以来, 我还没有过象这样得意的一天呢。”
