巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(14)(在线收听


  "I should say that it was much more likely that it was the son of one of the moorlandshepherds taking out his father's dinner."“我想很可能是个沼地牧人的儿子在给他父亲送饭吧。”

  The least appearance of opposition struck fire out of the old autocrat. His eyes lookedmalignantly at me, and his gray whiskers bristled like those of an angry cat.

  稍有不同意的表示, 就能把这老专刺激得冒起火来。 他两眼恶意地望着我, 灰白胡子象发怒的猫似地竖了起来。

  "Indeed, sir!" said he, pointing out over the wide-stretching moor. "Do you see that Black Torover yonder? Well, do you see the low hill beyond with the thornbush upon it? It is the stoniestpart of the whole moor. Is that a place where a shepherd would be likely to take his station? Yoursuggestion, sir, is a most absurd one."

  “真的, 先生!” 他说道, 同时向外面广袤的沼地指着,“您看到了那边的那个黑色的岩岗了吗? 啊, 您看到了远处那长满荆棘的矮山吗? 那是整个沼地里岩石最多的部分了。 难道那里会是牧人驻脚的地方吗? 先生! 您的想法真是荒谬透顶了 。”

  I meekly answered that I had spoken without knowing all the facts. My submission pleasedhim and led him to further confidences.

  我顺从着他回答说, 我是因为不了解全部事实才这样说的。 我的服输使他大为高兴, 也就使他更愿意多说一些了。

  "You may be sure, sir, that I have very good grounds before I come to an opinion. I have seenthe boy again and again with his bundle. Every day, and sometimes twice a day, I have been able-- but wait a moment, Dr. Watson. Do my eyes deceive me, or is there at the present momentsomething moving upon that hillside?"

  “您可以相信, 先生, 在我提出一个肯定的意见的时候, 我是有了很充分的根据的。 我一再地看到过那孩子拿着他那卷东西, 每天一次, 有时每天两次, 我都能……等一等, 华生医生。 是我的眼花呢, 还是在那山坡上现在有什么东西在动着? ”

  It was several miles off, but I could distinctly see a small dark dot against the dull green andgray.

  约有几里远的样子, 可是在暗绿的和灰色的背景衬托之下, 我能清楚地看到一个小黑点。
