巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(2)(在线收听


"I never was more glad to see anyone in my life," said I as I wrung him by the hand.

“在我的一生里, 还从没有因为看见任何人比这更快活过。” 我一边摇撼着他的手一边说着。

"Or more astonished, eh?"

“或者说比这更吃惊吧, 啊? ”

"Well, I must confess to it."

“噢, 我只得承认吧。”

"The surprise was not all on one side, I assure you. I had no idea that you had found myoccasional retreat, still less that you were inside it, until I was within twenty paces of the door."“其实并不只是单方面感到吃惊呢。 我跟你说, 我真没有想到你已经找到我的临时藏身之所了, 更想不到你已经藏在屋里了, 直到我离这门口不到二十步的时候方才发现。”

"My footprint, I presume?"

“我想是由于我的脚印吧? ”

"No, Watson, I fear that I could not undertake to recognize your footprint amid all thefootprints of the world. If you seriously desire to deceive me you must change your tobacconist;for when I see the stub of a cigarette marked Bradley, Oxford Street, I know that my friend Watsonis in the neighbourhood. You will see it there beside the path. You threw it down, no doubt, at thatsupreme moment when you charged into the empty hut."“不, 华生, 我恐怕还不能担保能从全世界人的脚印里辨认出你的脚印来呢。 如果你真的想把我蒙混过去的话, 你就非得把你的纸烟换换牌子不可, 因为我一看到烟头上印着‘布莱德雷, 牛津街’, 我就知道了, 我的朋友华生一定就在附近。 在小路的边上你还能找到它呢。 毫无疑问, 就是在你冲进空屋的那个紧要关头, 你把它扔掉的。”


