巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(6)(在线收听


I was still rather raw over the deception which had been practised upon me, but the warmthof Holmes's praise drove my anger from my mind. I felt also in my heart that he was right in whathe said and that it was really best for our purpose that I should not have known that he was uponthe moor.

我因为受了愚弄, 心里还是很不舒服, 可是福尔摩斯这些赞扬话的温暖, 驱走了 我内心的愤怒。 我心里也觉得他说得很对, 要想达到我们的目 的, 这样做实在是最好不过的了, 我本不应该知道他已来到了沼地。

"That's better," said he, seeing the shadow rise from my face. "And now tell me the result ofyour visit to Mrs. Laura Lyons -- it was not difficult for me to guess that it was to see her that youhad gone, for I am already aware that she is the one person in Coombe Tracey who might be ofservice to us in the matter. In fact, if you had not gone to-day it is exceedingly probable that Ishould have gone to-morrow."

“这样就好了 , ” 他看到阴影已从我的脸上消失之后说道,“现在把你访问劳拉· 莱昂丝太太的结果告诉我吧。 我本不难想象出你到那里去为的是找她的, 因为我已经知道, 在库姆· 特雷西地方, 她是在这件事里唯一能对我们有所帮助的人了。 说真的, 如果你今天没有去的话, 很可能明天我就要去了 。”

The sun had set and dusk was settling over the moor. The air had turned chill and wewithdrew into the hut for warmth. There sitting together in the twilight, I told Holmes of myconversation with the lady. So interested was he that I had to repeat some of it twice before he wassatisfied.

太阳已经落下去, 暮色笼罩着整个沼地。 空气已经变得凉了起来, 于是我们就退进小屋去取暖。 我们在暮色之中坐在一起, 我把和那女士谈话的内容告诉了福尔摩斯。 他非常感兴趣, 某些部分我还得重复两遍, 他才表示满意。
