巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(7)(在线收听


"This is most important," said he when I had concluded. "It fills up a gap which I had beenunable to bridge in this most complex affair. You are aware, perhaps, that a close intimacy existsbetween this lady and the man Stapleton?"

“这事是极为重要的, ” 当我谈完后他说道,“它把在这件最复杂的事情里我所联结不起来的那个缺口给填上了。 也许你已知道了 , 在这位女士和斯台普吞先生中间还有着极为亲密的关系吧? ”

"I did not know of a close intimacy."


"There can be no doubt about the matter. They meet, they write, there is a completeunderstanding between them. Now, this puts a very powerful weapon into our hands. If I couldonly use it to detach his wife "

“这件事是毫无疑问的。 他们常见面, 常通信, 彼此十分了 解。 现在, 这一点已使咱们手里多了一件有力的武器。 只要咱们用这一点对他妻子进行分化……”

"His wife?"

“他的妻子? !”

"I am giving you some information now, in return for all that you have given me. The ladywho has passed here as Miss Stapleton is in reality his wife."“我现在供给你一些情况, 来酬答你所供给我的一切吧。 那个在此地被人称作斯台普吞小姐的女士, 实际上就是他的妻子。”

"Good heavens, Holmes! Are you sure of what you say? How could he have permitted SirHenry to fall in love with her?"

“天哪, 福尔摩斯! 你说的是什么话呀? ! 那他怎么又会让亨利爵士爱上她呢? ”

"Sir Henry's falling in love could do no harm to anyone except Sir Henry. He took particularcare that Sir Henry did not make love to her, as you have yourself observed. I repeat that the ladyis his wife and not his sister."

“亨利爵士的堕入情网, 除了对亨利爵士本人之外对谁都不会有什么害处。 他曾经特别留意避免亨利爵士向她求爱, 这是你亲眼看到的。 我再说一遍, 那位女士就是他的妻子, 而不是他的妹妹。”

"But why this elaborate deception?"

“可是他为什么要搞这一场煞费苦心的骗局呢? ”
