巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(11)(在线收听


The cry had been loud on account of its vehemence, but it had pealed out from somewherefar off on the shadowy plain. Now it burst upon our ears, nearer, louder, more urgent than before.

由于情况的急切, 喊声很大, 起初那喊声是由黑暗的平原上一个很远的地方传过来的。

现在冲进我们耳鼓的声音, 已显得愈来愈近, 愈来愈大, 比以前更急迫了。

"Where is it?" Holmes whispered; and I knew from the thrill of his voice that he, the man ofiron, was shaken to the soul. "Where is it, Watson?"“是哪一边? ” 福尔摩斯低声问道。 由他那样坚强的人的激动的声音里, 我知道他也是深受震惊了, “是哪一边, 华生? ”

"There, I think." I pointed into the darkness.

“我想是那边吧。” 我向黑暗之中指去。

"No, there!"

“不, 是那边。”

Again the agonized cry swept through the silent night, louder and much nearer than ever. Anda new sound mingled with it, a deep, muttered rumble, musical and yet menacing, rising andfalling like the low, constant murmur of the sea.

痛苦的喊声, 响彻了寂静的夜, 愈来愈大, 也比以前更近得多了。 混在一起的还有一种新的声音, 是一种深沉的咕咕哝哝, 既悦耳而又可怕的声音, 一起一落的, 正象是大海所发出的永无休止的低吟。

"The hound!" cried Holmes. "Come, Watson, come! Great heavens, if we are too late!"“是猎狗!” 福尔摩斯喊了起来,“来呀, 华生! 来呀。 天哪! 说不定咱们已经来不及了!”

He had started running swiftly over the moor, and I had followed at his heels. But now fromsomewhere among the broken ground immediately in front of us there came one last despairingyell, and then a dull, heavy thud. We halted and listened. Not another sound broke the heavysilence of the windless night.

他立即迅速地在沼地上跑了起来, 我紧跟在他的后面。 可是, 突然间, 就在我们的前面,由那片碎石参差、 凹凸不平的地方发出了 一声最后的绝望的惨叫, 然后就是模糊而沉重的咕咚一声。 我们站住倾听着, 再没有别的声音打破无风之夜的死寂了。
