巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(17)(在线收听


"Why should we not seize him at once?"

“咱们为什么不马上抓住他呢? ”

"Our case is not complete. The fellow is wary and cunning to the last degree. It is not whatwe know, but what we can prove. If we make one false move the villain may escape us yet."“咱们破案的条件还没有成熟, 那家伙细心狡猾到了极点; 问题不在于我们已经掌握了多少情况, 而在于我们能证明些什么。 只要我们走错一步, 那恶棍说不定就要从咱们的手里溜走了。”

"What can we do?"

“那么, 咱们怎么办呢? ”

"There will be plenty for us to do to-morrow. To-night we can only perform the last offices toour poor friend."

“明天咱们有的是该做的事, 今天晚上也就只能给可怜的朋友办办后事了 。”

Together we made our way down the precipitous slope and approached the body, black andclear against the silvered stones. The agony of those contorted limbs struck me with a spasm ofpain and blurred my eyes with tears.

我们俩一同下了陡坡, 向尸体走去, 在反射着银光的石头上, 那黑色的身体能看得很清楚; 四肢扭曲的那种痛苦的样子使我感到心酸, 泪水模糊了我的眼睛。

"We must send for help, Holmes! We cannot carry him all the way to the Hall. Good heavens,are you mad?" He had uttered a cry and bent over the body. Now he was dancing and laughing andwringing my hand. Could this be my stern, self-contained friend? These were hidden fires, indeed!

“咱们非得找人来帮忙不可了, 福尔摩斯! 咱们无法把他一直抬到庄园去……” 我的话还没有说完就听见他大叫了 一声, 在尸体旁边弯下了身。 我见状不禁喊道, “天哪, 你疯了吗!” 福尔摩斯跳起舞来了, 大笑着抓住我的手乱摇。 难道这就是我那严肃而善于自持的朋友吗? 这可真是闷住的火烧出来了 啊!
