巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(23)(在线收听


"I would suggest carrying this poor fellow to my house, but it would give my sister such afright that I do not feel justified in doing it. I think that if we put something over his face he willbe safe until morning."

“我本想建议把这可怜的家伙弄到我家里去, 可是他一定会使我妹妹大感惊恐, 因此我觉得还是不要这样做的好。 我想若用什么东西把他的头部遮住是可以安全无事的, 明天早晨再想办法吧。”

And so it was arranged. Resisting Stapleton's offer of hospitality, Holmes and I set off toBaskerville Hall, leaving the naturalist to return alone. Looking back we saw the figure movingslowly away over the broad moor, and behind him that one black smudge on the silvered slopewhich showed where the man was lying who had come so horribly to his end.

事情就这样安排好了 。 福尔摩斯和我谢绝了斯台普吞好意的约请, 就向巴斯克维尔庄园走去了, 剩下了生物学家独自走了回去。 我们回头望望, 看到那背影还在广阔的沼地上缓慢地向远方移动; 在他的身 后, 白花花的山坡上有一个黑点, 标明着得到如此可怕的结局的那个人躺着的地方。
