巴斯克维尔的猎犬 设网(14)(在线收听


Mrs. Laura Lyons was in her office, and Sherlock Holmes opened his interview with afrankness and directness which considerably amazed her.

劳拉· 莱昂丝太太正在她的办公室里。 歇洛克· 福尔摩斯以坦白直爽的态度开始了他的访问谈话, 这一点倒使她很吃惊。

"I am investigating the circumstances which attended the death of the late Sir CharlesBaskerville," said he. "My friend here, Dr. Watson, has informed me of what you havecommunicated, and also of what you have withheld in connection with that matter."“我正在调查与已故的查尔兹· 巴斯克维尔爵士的暴死有关的情况,” 他说道,“我的这位朋友华生医生已经向我报告了您所谈过的话, 同时还说, 您对此事还有若干隐瞒之处。”

"What have I withheld?" she asked defiantly.

“我隐瞒过什么? ” 她以挑战的口气问道。

"You have confessed that you asked Sir Charles to be at the gate at ten o'clock. We know thatthat was the place and hour of his death. You have withheld what the connection is between theseevents."

“您已经承认了, 您曾要求查尔兹爵士在十点钟的时候到那门口去。 我们知道, 那正是他死去的时间和地点。 您隐瞒了这些事件之间的关联。”

"There is no connection."


"In that case the coincidence must indeed be an extraordinary one. But I think that we shallsucceed in establishing a connection, after all. I wish to be perfectly frank with you, Mrs. Lyons.

We regard this case as one of murder, and the evidence may implicate not only your friend Mr.

Stapleton but his wife as well."

“如果是那样的话, 这倒确实是件极为奇特的巧合了。 可是, 我觉得我们总会找出其中的联系来的。 我愿意对您坦白到底, 莱昂丝太太, 我们认为这是一件谋杀案。 根据已有的证据来看, 不仅是您的朋友斯台普吞, 就连他的太太也可能要被牵连进去的。”

The lady sprang from her chair.


"His wife!" she cried.

“他的太太! ? ” 她惊呼道。

"The fact is no longer a secret. The person who has passed for his sister is really his wife."“这件事实已不再是秘密了。 被当作是他妹妹的那个人实际上就是他的妻子。”
