巴斯克维尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔的猎犬(14)(在线收听


"You bear him no good will, madam," said Holmes. "Tell us then where we shall find him. Ifyou have ever aided him in evil, help us now and so atone."“您对他已一无好感了, 太太, ” 福尔摩斯说道,“那末, 请告诉我们, 在哪里可以找到他吧。 如果您曾帮着他做过坏事的话, 现在就来帮助我们以赎前愆吧。”

"There is but one place where he can have fled," she answered. "There is an old tin mine onan island in the heart of the mire. It was there that he kept his hound and there also he had madepreparations so that he might have a refuge. That is where he would fly."“他只能逃到一个地方去, ”她回答道,“在泥潭中心的一个小岛上, 有一座旧时的锡矿,他就是把猎狗藏在那里的, 他还在那里做了准备, 以供躲避之用。 他一定会向那里跑的。”

The fog-bank lay like white wool against the window. Holmes held the lamp towards it.

雾墙象雪白的羊毛似的紧围在窗口外面。 福尔摩斯端着灯走向窗前。

"See," said he. "No one could find his way into the Grimpen Mire to-night."“看, ” 他说道,“今晚谁也找不出走进格林盆泥潭的道路的。”

She laughed and clapped her hands. Her eyes and teeth gleamed with fierce merriment她拍着手大笑起来。 她的眼里和牙齿上都闪烁着可怕的狂喜的光芒。

"He may find his way in, but never out," she cried. "How can he see the guiding wandsto-night? We planted them together, he and I, to mark the pathway through the mire. Oh, if I couldonly have plucked them out to-day. Then indeed you would have had him at your mercy!"“他也许能找到走进去的路, 可是永远也别打算再出来了, ” 她喊了起来,“他今晚怎么能看得见那些木棍路标呢? 是他和我两个人一起插的, 用来标明穿过泥潭的小路, 啊, 如果我今天能够都给他拔掉有多好啊, 那样您就真的能任意处置他了!”
