《蓝精灵寻找神秘村》精讲 15(在线收听

Please. Please

好了 好了

I've told you time and again, the forbidden forest is forbidden


And now you're talking about maps and mystery smurfs and gargamel's lair

你们现在说的什么地图 神秘蓝精灵 还有格格巫的城堡

None of this makes any sense and I really don't understand why you can't follow simple rules

跟你们有什么关系呢 我真是不明白 这么简单的规则你们都遵守不了吗

You snuck out and it put you all in danger

就因为你们偷跑出去 才会碰到这么多危险

Seems to me the only way I can keep you safe is if.. You're grounded

为了确保你们的安全 我看我必须要惩罚你们 你们被禁足了

Grounded? No, not grounded! What? No way!

禁足 不 不要这样 禁足 这可不行

But papa, but. Come on!

但是 爸爸 但 别这样嘛

No "Buts"


None of you are to take one step out of your mushrooms without telling me where you're going. Do you understand that?

从现在起没有我的允许 你们不许踏出房门半步 明白了吗

You're right papa. Huh? What? Huh? You're right I don't know what we were thinking

你是对的 爸爸 哈 什么 哈 你是对的 我也不知道我们是哪根筋搭错了

Uh, good


Because as I was saying, you behaved completely irresponsibly

因为 就如我所说的 你们这样对待自己太不负责任了

Yes. Right. Exactly. I couldn't agree more. Right, guys?

是的 没错儿 完全同意 是吧 小伙伴儿们

Uh, yeah, right. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah

呃 对 对 对对对

Yes. In fact I think we should all go to our rooms right now and think about what we've done

很好 所以我觉得我们要马上回家闭门思过

Tough but fair. Come on

有点难受 但是这是公平的 走吧
