《蓝精灵寻找神秘村》精讲 20(在线收听

Hmm. These nests are made of some material I've never seen before

嗯 这些巢是用一些我从未见过的材料做的

You know I think I've had enough of these flying antipastos for one day


What are you doing here?


Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here

好吧 我正想在这里安个家

Just a quiet place in the forest. It's a little breezy up on the hill

丛林里更安静一点 山上风太大了

What do you think I'm doing out here?


You are never going to find that village, gargamel

你们别想找到那座精灵村 格格巫

Oh, smurfette, if it wasn't for you

蓝妹妹 多亏了你的帮忙

I wouldn't even know about those other smurfs. Get 'em boys

我可不知道还有别的蓝精灵 抓住他们

Smurfintine formation! Go!

分散逃跑模式 走

Smurfintine!Get 'em azrael! Smurfintine!Smurfintine! Smurfintine! Smurfintine!

分散逃跑 抓住他们 阿兹猫 分散 分头跑 分头跑 分头跑

Hey, you. You're the clumsy one, right? Think fast

嘿 小不点你叫笨笨是吧 接住了

I caught it!

