《蓝精灵寻找神秘村》精讲 25(在线收听

Smurfette? Before you say anything, just listen

蓝妹妹 你不要说话 我先听我说

Now, I know yesterday I might have been a bit tough on you and the boys, and I know there are times I'm a little overprotective

我知道昨天我可能对你和男孩们有点过分 有时候我的保护欲会有点强

Okay, a lot overprotective. But you have to understand you snuck out

好吧 我太过于护犊子了 但是你们要理解 你们不能就那么溜出去

You have to be more careful


Smurfette I know lately you may not realize

蓝妹妹 我知道你可能没意识到

and I may not say it enough but you are...You shine

是我说的不够清楚 但是你 你是我的阳光

So anyway, we're smurfy?

那么无论怎么说 我们和好吧

I think you and the boys have been grounded long enough


Smurfette? Okay, I'm opening the door

蓝妹妹 好吧 我开门了

And I'm walking in to talk more


You there? Smurfette

你在吗 蓝妹妹
