《蓝精灵寻找神秘村》精讲 28(在线收听

Well done, hefty. Well done

干得好 健健 你真棒

All right, step one, the wood should be stacked into a tepeelike structure

好 第一步 把木头堆成圆锥形

Step two, I tap this flint with a rock and

第二步 用打火石互相碰撞 然后

You're not even blowing on it. You're spitting on it

你根本没在吹 你在往木头上吐口水

That's odd. Perhaps the wood you collected was damp, hefty

噢 奇了怪了 你找的木头可能受潮了

According to my manual, it should spark right up

手册上说 立马就能点着

Hey, I've got an idea. No

嘿 我有个主意 不

You know ,you're right, brain man

你知道吗 你说得对 小聪明

Your little book does come in handy


Shame. Shame on you. We'd be lost without this book

真可耻 没有这本书 我们会迷路的

My name is brainy. I'm super smart. I'm the smart smurf. But I can't start a fire

我叫聪聪 我智商超群 我是个聪明的蓝精灵 但是我不会生火

Okay, the damage is minimal. The binding's still intact

还好 没烧坏 装订还很结实
