《蓝精灵寻找神秘村》精讲 35(在线收听

Where's clumsy? Clumsy! Clumsy! Clumsy! Clumsy!

笨笨呢 笨笨 笨笨 笨笨 笨笨

I'm good. Run away! Run away! Hey

我还好 快跑 快跑 嘿

I think


My pack! My manual! No! No, no, no! No, no, no! My scout manual!

我的背包 我的手册 不要啊 不 不 不 不 不 不 我的冒险手册

This is all your fault!


What? Brainy, cut it out

什么 聪聪 别说了

Oh, I'm sorry. Correction. This is your fault too

哦 对不起 更正 错也有你的份儿 蓝妹妹

Leave her out of this


Hefty, I don't need you to fight my fights for me

健健 我不用你帮我

Wait, now you're mad at me too?

稍等 现在连你也生我的气吗

Smurfette, you're the one that got us into this whole mess in the first place

蓝妹妹 你是那个将我们置于窘境的罪魁祸首

Hey, I was ready to do this on my own

拜托 我当初是打算自己来的

Great. So much for team smurf

很好 蓝精灵小队真是一片"祥和"

I want to yell about something!


Stay out of this, clumsy

边儿去 笨笨

That's it, brain man

怎么说话的 聪聪

It's time for you to earn your manners badge


Stop it! Take cover!

住手 快找掩护
