《蓝精灵寻找神秘村》精讲 47(在线收听

He is so old. This is impossible

他是个老头儿 这不可能

He doesn't seem so tough


Yeah, gargamel! That's what you get when you attack smurfy grove

没错 格格巫 这就是攻击蓝精灵果园的下场

Gargamel? What are you talking about?

格格巫 你们在说什么啊

No, no, no, wait. This is a mistake

不 不 不对 等一下 你们搞错了

What? Smurfette? That's papa

咦 蓝妹妹 他是爸爸

Papa? Papa? There's another funny word. Papa. Papa. Papa!

爸爸 是什么 又有一个有趣的词 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸

Smurfblossom, no. Breathe deep and step away from the papathing

蓝花花 停下 深呼吸然后给我 离这个爸爸远点

Everyone meet papa smurf

各位 他是蓝爸爸

Hey. Hi, I'm smurfjade

嘿 我是蓝小玉

Where are the boys?


'Sup, papa? Hello there

嗨 老爸 您来了啊

I rode a dragonfly!


Well, thank goodness you're all okay

天呐 感谢上帝你们都没事

How did you find us?


I wasn't born yesterday you know

姜还是老的辣 你知道的

Yeah, that's clear


Look, you four are coming home with me. Now

听着 你们四个和我回家去 现在

Not so fast, papathing

不要着急 这个叫爸爸的东西
