《欢乐好声音》精讲 35(在线收听

How are you? Okay, Johnny, let's get you out here!

你还好吗 好了 强尼 该你上了

And you guys, you've gotta work on that routine. Take it away, Johnny!

还有 你们 你们平时得加把劲练习 开始吧 强尼

You can't just sing it. You've got to show the fire and desire

你不能只干巴巴的唱 你应该展现出你的热情和渴望

The fire went out a long time ago


What? Look, I can't even keep count of the steps

你说什么 听着 我连数步子的数不清

Ugh! Counting schmounting! She sings too much with her head, right?

啊 心中无数啊 她是在用脑子唱歌 是不是

Ja, ja, see? Forget the steps and just like, let the music take control of your body parts

对 对 看见没 忘掉舞步 就像这样 让音乐控制你的身体

My body parts are not responding, okay?

我的身体没法协调舞动 好吧

It's never gonna happen, I should just be getting groceries

永远都不可能 我还是当我的家庭主妇吧

Rosita, no, Rosita, come on. Don't go.

罗西塔 别这样啊 罗西塔 别这样

Psst! Hey! Hey! Down here. Have you seen three nastylooking bears out there? Uh, no

喂 嘿 嘿 朝底下看 你有没有看见三只凶神恶煞的大熊在外面 呃 没有

Oh, great. Hey, by the way, I love your act

噢 太好了 嘿 顺便说一下 我喜欢你的表演

Seriously, the the part where you fall flat on your face?

说真的 尤其是你摔了个狗吃屎那块

Oh, that cracks me up every time. See you around, porky

噢 让我笑得满地找牙 回见 肥肥

Ah, man, Johnny, uh, I know I'm asking a lot of you. Mr Moon, I'm really trying, I promise

天呐 强尼 呃 我知道我对你的要求有点高 月伯乐 我真的很努力了 我发誓

What about your backup song? Have you practiced that?

你的备选曲子呢 你有没有练习那首

Uh, well, not yet

呃 还没有呢

Well, why don't we go back and work on that one okay? I mean, look, if you play like that in front of Nana noodleman

好吧 那我们就回去重新开始练习另一首 如何 我的意思 如果你像刚才那样在诺德曼面前表演


