《欢乐好声音》精讲 46(在线收听

I, uh, do you think you could sing like that, in front of a real audience?

我 那个 你觉着你能这样唱吗 当着观众的面

I don't know but I want to try

我不确定 可我想试试

Good. 'Cause I want to see it

那就好 因为我想看你唱

We are? Seriously? Oh, my gosh! Okay. Okay, yes. I'll be right over

说真的吗 哦 我的个天 好嘞 好嘞 太棒啦 我分分钟就到

Hello? Oh, hello, Mr Moon

你好 哦 你好 月伯乐先生

Some say he's the worst showman this city's ever seen

有人认为他是这城里 最差劲的演出人

Some say he's a walking disaster. A loose Cannon

有人认为他活脱就是个灾难 一枚保不齐啥时候走火的加农炮

Well, tomorrow night, the name buster moon will go down in entertainment history once and for all

不过 今晚 月伯乐的名字将永远 载入娱乐圈的历史

as he and this bunch of bumbling amateurs attempt to restage the show that brought down his theater

因为他将和这群平民歌手一起将毁掉他剧院的那场演出 重新搬上舞台

Ah, don't you worry, Mike. All is forgiven. Just glad you're back in one piece

啊 别担心 麦克 过去的既往不咎 很高兴你加入大家

Oh, yeah, you're too kind, Mr Moon

哦 好吧 你人真是太好了 月伯乐先生

And, uh, the the prize money?

关于 啊 那个 奖金的事

It's, uh, I mean, It's real this time, right?

那个 我的意思是 这次总是真的了吧

There is no prize money 'cause there's no competition

没有奖金 因为根本就没有比赛

Tonight, you're singing for yourselves


Two minutes, everybody. Final checks

两分钟了 各位 最后检查一遍

Singing for ourselves? Unbelievable, What is? Who's he? This is crazy. I'm out of here

为自己而歌 哪门子的胡话 这 这算 他在跟谁 简直疯了 我得撤了
