美国国家公共电台 NPR--A pregnant woman who was ticketed for driving in an HOV lane has gotten another ticket(在线收听

A pregnant woman who was ticketed for driving in an HOV lane has gotten another ticket


She hopes to defend herself the same way, by arguing that her unborn child should be counted as a second passenger, because Roe Versus Wade was overturned.


Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. In June, a pregnant Texas woman was ticketed for driving in the HOV lane. It made national news because of the defense that she offered. Brandy Bottone argued that her unborn child should be counted as a second passenger because Roe v. Wade had been overturned. Her ticket was dismissed. But then about a month later, she got another ticket for the same offense. It's probably not going to happen again, though, because Bottone has since given birth to a little girl. It's MORNING EDITION.
