美国国家公共电台 NPR--Eight years ago, Shane Adams lost his horse Mongo in the Utah desert(在线收听

Eight years ago, Shane Adams lost his horse Mongo in the Utah desert


Adams was asleep in a tent when he heard wild mustangs and saw Mongo had joined the herd. Last week officers with the Bureau of Land Management found the 18-years-old stallion and brought him home.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. Eight years ago, Shane Adams lost his beloved horse, Mongo, in the Utah desert. Adams was asleep in his tent when he heard the wild mustangs and saw with horror that his horse had joined the herd. Adams prayed that Mongo would find his way home. And last week, he did. Officers with the Bureau of Land Management found the stallion - now 18 years old and a few hundred pounds skinnier - and brought him home, where he was given his favorite treat, Sour Patch Kids. It's MORNING EDITION.
