美国国家公共电台 NPR--A man from the Czech Republic breaks the record for longest abdominal plank(在线收听

A man from the Czech Republic breaks the record for longest abdominal plank


The record is now 9 hours, 38 minutes and 47 seconds, according to officials at Guinness World Records. Josef Salek achieved the record for a man holding plank in May.


Good morning. I'm A Martínez. How's your New Year's resolution to work out holding up? Probably not as well as a man from the Czech Republic who now holds a record for the longest abdominal plank ever - nearly nine hours, 39 minutes. Four years ago, he was imprisoned in the United Arab Emirates due to what he says was a case of mistaken identity. But behind bars, he passed the time doing a new exercise routine. When he got out, he kept it going. Now he's Plank God. It's MORNING EDITION.
