美国国家公共电台 NPR--Starting next week there will be no more rides to Hel on bus 666 in Poland(在线收听

Starting next week there will be no more rides to Hel on bus 666 in Poland


Christian groups have long protested the 666 bus because the number signifies the devil. The bus will be changed to 669, but it will still go to Hel which sounds like the word "hell" in English.


Good morning, I'm A Martínez. In Poland, there's a bus line. It's number 666, and the destination is a town called Hel - really. Christian groups have long protested this, and soon Bus 666 will become Bus 669. But even though the number changes, the destination is the same. It's still going straight to Hel. Not sure though what the price is if you want to go to Hel and back - maybe your eternal soul or, more likely, a few Polish zloty instead. It's MORNING EDITION.
