2023年经济学人 企业家庭消费疲软, 日本三季度经济萎缩(在线收听

企业家庭消费疲软, 日本三季度经济萎缩

The world this week--Business


Japan’s economy shrank by 2.1% on an annualised basis in the third quarter, or by 0.5% on the previous quarter, amid weak household consumption and business spending. 在家庭消费和企业支出疲软的情况下,日本经济第三季度按年率计算下降了2.1%,与前一季度相比,跌幅为0.5%。

The contraction suggests that inflation, running at an annual rate of 3%, which is high by Japanese standards, is starting to cut into domestic demand. 日本的经济萎缩表明,3%的年通货膨胀率(按日本的标准看偏高)正在开始削减国内需求。

That complicates the central bank’s path to ending its massive monetary stimulus programme and policy of negative interest rates, which markets expect it to start undoing in the coming months.


Markets were cheered by news that America’s annual inflation rate dipped to 3.2% in October, the first decline in four months. 美国10月份的年通货膨胀率降至3.2%,这是四个月来的首次下降,这一消息令市场欢欣鼓舞。

Core inflation, which excludes energy and food prices, also slowed, to 4%. 不包括能源和食品价格在内的的核心通胀率也降至4%。

In Britain annual inflation plunged from 6.7% in September to 4.6% in October, the lowest rate in two years.


After a dismal few months, America’s main stockmarkets have roared back in November, as investors bet that lower inflation makes it more likely that central banks have finished raising interest rates.


Nvidia unveiled its latest superchip for generative artificial intelligence, the H200. 英伟达推出了最新的用于生成式人工智能的超级芯片H200。

Delivering 141 gigabytes of memory at 4.8 terabytes per second, it has nearly double the capacity of its predecessor chip. 超级芯片H200的处理速度是4.8TB/秒,拥有141GB的内存,其容量几乎是前代芯片的两倍。

The company expects revenue this quarter to increase by 170%, year on year. 英伟达预计本季度收入将同比增长170%。

Its share price is up by 240% since the start of January.


Novo Nordisk’s stock surged after the company released the full results from a study showing that its weight-loss drug, Wegovy, reduces the risk of having a heart attack, stroke or dying by 20% in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease.


The mining industry saw its biggest deal in years, when a consortium led by Glencore agreed to pay $9bn for the steelmaking coal business of Teck Resources. 矿业迎来了多年来最大的一笔交易:一个由嘉能可(Glencore)牵头的财团同意斥资90亿美元收购泰克资源(Teck Resources)的炼钢煤炭业务。

The Swiss commodities company is taking a 77% stake, with Nippon Steel of Japan and POSCO of South Korea owning the rest. 这家瑞士大宗商品公司将持有77%的股份,其余股份由日本新日铁(Nippon Steel)和韩国浦项制铁(POSCO)持有。

Glencore will eventually merge its existing coal business with its new assets and spin off the new entity on the stockmarket.


Prices for the coking coal used in steelmaking have risen sharply this year.


A private-equity group took a controlling stake in Joe & the Juice, a fast-growing purveyor of sandwiches, organic juices and health shakes to the hipster crowd. 一家私募股权集团获得了Joe & the Juice的控股权。Joe & the Juice是一家快速增长的、向潮人提供三明治、有机果汁和健康奶昔的供应商。

The firm started in Denmark in 2002 and now has 360 stores around the world in the usual hipster hotspots, such as London, New York, San Francisco and Stockholm.


Foxconn warned that its revenues will fall slightly in 2023, even though it managed to post a surprise 11% rise in net profit in the latest quarter, year on year.


The electronics contract manufacturer gets a big chunk of its income from Apple and sales of the new iPhone 15 have been lower than expected, especially in China.

这家电子产品合同制造商的很大一部分营收来自苹果,而新款iPhone 15的销量却低于预期,尤其是在中国。
