2023年经济学人 Epic诉谷歌垄断案获胜(在线收听



The world this week--Business


The Federal Reserve left its key interest rate on hold at a range of between 5.25% and 5.5%, but it also published projections that suggested it would cut rates three times in 2024. That delighted investors. 美联储将其关键利率维持在5.25% - 5.5%的区间不变,但美联储同时发布预测,将在2024年降息三次。这让投资者感到高兴。

Stockmarkets surged, with the Dow Jones industrial average closing at a new all-time high.


The Fed’s decision came after data for November showed that America’s annual inflation rate had slowed only slightly to 3.1%, and the core rate, which excludes food and energy, had remained at 4%.


A federal jury in San Francisco found that Google’s Play app store was a monopoly, a victory for Epic, the gaming company behind the “Fortnite” series. 旧金山的一个联邦陪审团裁定谷歌应用商店Play构成垄断,《堡垒之夜》系列背后的游戏公司Epic获得胜利。

Epic brought the case, accusing Google of rigging competition in the market for Android apps so that it could charge excessive fees. Epic提起诉讼,指控谷歌操纵安卓应用市场的竞争,以便收取过高的费用。

Epic wanted to use its own payments system that avoided the fees. Epic希望使用自家支付系统来避免这些费用。

Epic lost a similar case against Apple in 2021, though that was decided solely by a judge. Epic在2021年输掉了一场针对苹果的类似案件,尽管这起案件是由一名法官单独裁定的。

The matter will probably end up in the Supreme Court.


Anglo American’s share price plunged by 19% on the day it announced plans to curtail production, including its iron-ore operations in South Africa. 英美资源集团宣布计划削减生产,包括其在南非的铁矿石业务,当天该公司股价暴跌19%。

The mining company has been hurt by a number of factors, such as higher costs and lower market prices for diamonds.


There was more consolidation in the energy industry, as Occidental agreed to buy CrownRock, a privately held shale-oil producer, in a transaction valued at 12bn dollars. 能源行业整合增加,西方石油同意以120亿美元的价格收购私营页岩油生产商CrownRock。

BP said that Bernard Looney, its former chief executive, would forfeit up to 32.4m pounds (41m dollars) for “serious misconduct” that led to his resignation in September. 英国石油公司表示,前首席执行官伯纳德·鲁尼将被没收高达3240万英镑(约合4100万美元)的薪酬,原因是导致他9月离职的“严重不当行为”。

The board alleges that Mr Looney misled it about his personal relationships with employees.


A federal judge in Texas upheld the state’s ban on public-sector employees using TikTok on government-issued devices. 德克萨斯州的一名联邦法官支持该州禁止公共部门员工在政府发放的设备上使用TikTok的禁令。

The judge found that, although this prevented public universities carrying out research on the Chinese-owned video platform, Texas had an interest in protecting privacy.


The ruling is narrower in scope than the recent decision by a judge in Montana to impose an injunction on a total statewide-ban on TikTok there.


The European Union’s member states and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on regulating the use of artificial intelligence, the details of which are now being worked out by officials. 欧盟成员国和欧洲议会就规范人工智能的使用达成了一项临时协议,目前官员们正在制定协议细节。

The deal includes mandates to assess the risks from large language models that power AI tools such as ChatGPT and measures to mitigate them. 该协议包括评估大型语言模型(支持ChatGPT等人工智能工具)带来的风险的授权,以及减轻相关风险的措施。

Emmanuel Macron, the French president, warned that the new act could stifle innovation at European firms.

