2023年经济学人 英国兴起葡萄栽培(1)(在线收听



    Climate change does not offer consolations.


    But it can produce winners as well as losers.


    With parts of England and Wales as hot as the Champagne region of France was in the 1980s, the sparkling-wine industry is already bubbling.


    Longer sunny periods will make it easier for British vintners to make still wines as well as award-winning cuvée blancs.


    A recent study from the University of East Anglia and the London School of Economics finds that climate change is also expanding the area in England and Wales suitable for making wine.


    Most vineyards now are in south-east England but more land as far north as the east Midlands could come into use.


    Alistair Nesbitt, the study’s lead author and a consultant at Vinescapes Limited, says that by 2040 higher temperatures may also allow winemakers to grow more disease-resistant varieties of grapes.

    该研究的主要作者、Vinescapes 有限公司的顾问阿利斯泰尔·内斯比特表示,到2040年,更高的温度可能还会让酿酒师种植出更多抗病葡萄品种。

    As a result, a mini land rush is under way.


    According to Strutt & Parker, a consultancy, Britain has over 900 vineyards, up by 80% in the past five years and triple the number 20 years ago.

    据咨询公司Strutt & Parker称,英国有超过900个葡萄园,在过去的五年里增长了80%,是20年前的三倍。

    Essex, Sussex and Kent are of most interest to vintners.


    This summer Jackson Family Wines, an American firm, became the first big maker of still wines to invest in England;今年夏天,美国杰克逊家族葡萄酒公司成为第一家在英国投资的大型无气蒸馏酒生产商;it plans to acquire around 26 hectares in the Crouch Valley in Essex.


    London Clay, a bluish-grey sediment found in high concentrations in the county, is ideal for bold reds.

