2023年经济学人 英国兴起葡萄栽培(2)(在线收听


    Nick Watson of Strutt & Parker says that in the past year inquiries about buying established vineyards have tripled and that prices have increased by £1,000 ($1,200) per acre, or £2,500 per hectare.


    Land suitable for viticulture now sells for £40,000-50,000 per hectare (roughly £15,000-20,000 more than basic farmland).

    适合种植葡萄的土地现在的售价为每公顷4-5万英镑(比基本农田大约高出1.5 -2万英镑)。

    Such prices pale next to those in famed wine regions abroad: in Bordeaux land can fetch over £1.6m a hectare.


    The disparity has little to do with the quality of the soil and much to do with a region’s reputation: “Sussex” doesn’t yet have the same ring as “Bourgogne”.


    But Ned Awty, the interim ceo of Winegb, a trade body, says that as the climate warms he expects still-wine production to rise.


    He thinks in a decade or so, it will be warm enough in Britain to ripen Merlot.


    Other aspects of climate change are less welcome for winemakers.


    A year of heavy rain or severe drought could destroy entire crops.


    Still wine is at especial risk.


    John Atkinson, chief winemaker at Danbury Ridge vineyards in Essex, says that unlike sparkling wines, which provide winemakers with some wiggle room to adjust taste by adding sugars, nailing a good bottle of still Pinot Noir all comes down to the soil, the weather and the barrel.


    “Growing grapes in this country is a bit like playing cricket,” he says, “There are so many ways to be out.”

