2023年经济学人 丢失的五千亿美元(2)(在线收听



    But use of the facility has jumped in recent years, owing to vast quantitative easing (QE) during covid-19 and regulatory tweaks which left banks laden with cash.


    QE creates deposits: when the Fed buys a bond from an investment fund, a bank must intermediate the transaction.


    The fund’s bank account swells; so does the bank’s reserve account at the Fed.


    From the start of QE in 2020 to its end two years later, deposits in commercial banks rose by $4.5trn, roughly equal to the growth in the Fed’s own balance-sheet.


    For a while banks could cope with the inflows because the Fed decided at the start of covid to ease a regulation known as the “supplementary leverage ratio” (SLR).


    This stopped the growth in commercial banks’ balance-sheets from forcing them to raise more capital, allowing them to safely use the inflow of deposits to increase holdings of Treasury bonds and cash.


    Banks duly took the opportunity, buying $1.5trn of Treasury and agency bonds.


    Then in March 2021 the Fed let the exemption from the SLR lapse.


    As a result, banks found themselves swimming in unwanted cash.


    They shrank by cutting their borrowing from money-market funds, which instead chose to park their cash at the Fed.


    By 2022 the funds had $1.7trn deposited overnight in the Fed’s reverse-repo facility, compared with a few billion a year earlier.


    After the fall of SVB, America’s small and midsized banks fear deposit outflows.


    The problem is that monetary tightening has made them still more likely.


    Gara Afonso and colleagues at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York find that use of money-market funds rises along with rates, since returns adjust faster than those from bank deposits.


    Indeed, the Fed has raised the rate on overnight-reverse-repo transactions from 0.05% in February 2022 to 4.8%, making it much more alluring than the going bank-deposit rate of 0.4%.


    The amount money-market funds parked at the Fed through the reverse-repo facility--and thus outside the banking system--jumped by half a trillion dollars in the same period.


    For those lacking a banking licence, leaving money in the repo facility is a better bet than leaving it in a bank.


    Not only is the yield considerably higher, but there is simply no reason to worry about the Fed going bust.


    Money-market funds could in effect become “narrow banks”: institutions that back consumer deposits with central-bank reserves, rather than higher-return but riskier assets.


    A narrow bank cannot make loans to firms or write mortgages. Nor can it go bust.


    The Fed has long been sceptical of such institutions, fretting that they would undermine banks.


    In 2019 officials denied TNB USA, a startup aiming to create a narrow bank, a licence.

    2019年,官员们拒绝了给TNB USA发放执照,这是一家想要创建狭义银行的初创公司。

    A similar concern has been raised about opening the Fed’s balance-sheet to money-market funds.


    When the reverse-repo facility was set up, Bill Dudley, then the president of the New York Fed, worried it could lead to the “disintermediation of the financial system”.


    During a financial crisis it could exacerbate instability with funds running out of riskier assets and onto the Fed’s balance-sheet.


    There is no sign yet of a dramatic rush.


    For now, the banking system is dealing with a slow bleed.


    But deposits are growing scarcer as the system is squeezed--and America’s small and midsized banks could pay the price.

