2023年经济学人 让免疫系统睡个好觉(2)(在线收听


    For their study, Karine Spiegel at the French National Institute of Health在她们的研究中,法国国家健康与医学研究所的凯琳史匹格and Medical Research and Eve Van Cauter at the University of Chicago speculated that和芝加哥大学的考特推测,

    insufficient sleep might damage the ability of the immune system to react to vaccines睡眠不足可能会损害免疫系统对疫苗的反应能力,and thus result in fewer circulating antibodies.


    They pooled the results of seven studies in which a total of 603 participants她们汇集了7项研究的结果,在这些研究中,共有603名年龄between the ages of 18 and 60 had had their antibody response to vaccines monitored在18岁至60岁之间的参与者对疫苗的抗体反应进行了监测,and who had also been asked how many hours of sleep they were getting each night.


    Dr Spiegel found that men showed a strong relationship between insufficient sleep史匹格博士发现,男性在睡眠不足

    (defined as fewer than six hours of kip a day) and antibody response.


    The magnitude of the effect, when sleep duration was recorded objectively by a lab当睡眠时间由实验室客观记录,

    rather than self-reported by a patient, was similar to the amount of antibody waning而不是由患者自我报告时,影响的程度与普通人seen in an average person two months after being given the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 jab.


    The vaccines given to sleep-deprived men, therefore, still provided protection因此,给睡眠不足的男性接种疫苗仍能提供保护,but the effect was less potent from the start and lasted for less time, on average.


    The results were published this week in Current Biology.


    Dr Spiegel says that encouraging patients to get plenty of sleep before and after史匹格博士说,鼓励患者在接种疫苗预约前后

    a vaccination appointment is an ideal way for a medical system to获得充足的睡眠是医疗系统

    maximise its vaccine stock and ensure that the benefits granted are as large as possible.


    As for why the results in women were not significant, Dr Spiegel and her colleagues theorise至于为什么在女性身上的结果不显著,斯皮格尔博士和她的同事们认为,that sleep affects female response to vaccines too but that hormone interference,睡眠也会影响女性对疫苗的反应,

    driven by varying stages of the menstrual cycle, contraception and hormone-replacement therapies,但由月经周期的不同阶段、避孕和激素替代疗法所导致的激素干扰,is probably altering immune response in profound and unknown ways that throw off the results.


    It is a subject area that urgently needs more attention, argue the researchers.


    Vaccines are an important tool in the world’s armoury against disease疫苗是世界上对抗疾病的重要工具,

    and there is no getting around the fact that developing and administering them is a difficult and expensive process.


    But patients could at least be encouraged to give their immune system a rest before getting jabbed.


    It costs nothing, and could pay considerable dividends.

