Scene 19 爱好(在线收听

Scene 19 爱好

❶ 睡前读书是我的一大爱好。Reading books before sleep is my major hobby.

对话 A: I like surfing the internet before sleep. What about you? 我喜欢睡前上一会儿网,你呢?

B: Reading books before sleep is my major hobby. 睡前读书是我的一大爱好。

❷ 我总是在早上阅读报纸或杂志。I always read newspapers and magazines in the morning.

同类表达 I always spend half an hour reading news in the morning. 早上我常常花半小时读新闻。

❸ 这个泰迪熊是手工制作的。It's a hand-made teddy bear.

同类表达 This teddy bear is handcrafted. 这个泰迪熊是手工制作的。

❹ 我收集了数不清的漂亮锡盒。I've collected numerous beautiful tin boxes.

对话 A: I love collecting stamps. How about you? 我喜欢搜集邮票。你呢?

B: I've collected numerous beautiful tin boxes. 我收集了数不清的漂亮锡盒。

❺ 我妈妈对DIY制作很感兴趣。My mum is very interested in do-it-yourself projects.

同类表达 My mum likes do-it-yourself projects very much. 我妈妈很喜欢DIY制作。

My mum is fond of do-it-yourself projects. 我妈妈很喜欢DIY制作。

❻ 我的玫瑰正在盛开。My roses are blooming.

同类表达 The plant I have nursed is bearing fruit. 我种的植物开始结果了。

❼ 我把养花当作生活中的乐趣。I take flower planting as a pleasure in my life.

同类表达 My flower died due to the lack of water. 我的花因为缺水死了。

❽ 它们长得太茂盛了,我得修剪一下。They are growing too well, and I have to prune them.

对话 A: What are you going to do? 你想干什么?

B: They are growing too well, and I have to prune them. 它们长得太茂盛了,我得修剪一下。

❾ 我不喜欢太嘈杂的环境。I don't prefer noisy environment.

❿ 我在业余时间里喜欢看电影。I like watching movies in spare time.
