Scene 153 KTV(在线收听

Scene 153 KTV

❶ 我们喜欢听她唱歌。We enjoy her singing.

对话 A: She sings very well. 她唱歌很好。

B: Yes, we enjoy her singing. 是啊,我们喜欢听她唱歌。

❷ 我想点首歌。I'd like to request a song.

对话 A: I'd like to request a song. 我想点首歌。

B: Let me help you. 我帮你。

❸ 从目录里选首歌吧。Choose a song from the catalogue.

对话 A: Choose a song from the catalogue. 从目录里选首歌吧。

B: Thanks. But I am not good at singing. 谢谢,但是我不擅长唱歌。

❹ 这里歌曲选择真多。There is a large selection of songs.

对话 A: How did you find this KTV? There is a large selection of songs. 你怎样找到这家KTV的?这里歌曲选择真多。

B: My friend recommended it to me. 我朋友推荐给我的。

❺ 来个二重唱吧。Let's sing a duet.

对话 A: How about singing it together? 一起唱怎样?

B: Let's sing a duet. 来个二重唱吧。

❻ 我不知道最近有什么新歌。I can't keep up with the new songs.

对话 A: Which song do you want to sing? 你想唱哪首歌?

B: I can't keep up with the new songs. Maybe some old songs. 我不知道最近有什么新歌,也许唱些老歌吧。

❼ 她有一副好歌喉。She has an exceptional voice.

对话 A: My sister is a Mic Queen. She has an exceptional voice. 我姐姐是麦霸。她有一副好歌喉。

B: I hope I can have the chance to sing with her. 真希望能和她一起唱歌。

❽ 我不敢在大家面前唱歌。I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people.

对话 A: How do you like going to the KTV? 你喜欢去KTV吗?

B: Not very much. I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people. 不怎么喜欢。我不敢在大家面前唱歌。

❾ 对不起,我五音不全。Sorry, I'm tone-deaf.

对话 A: Will you join us to go to the KTV? 你和我们去KTV吗?

B: Sorry, I'm tone-deaf. 对不起,我五音不全。

❿ 我不擅长唱歌,只能滥竽充数。I am not good at singing. I'm just to make up the number.
