Scene 204 服装店(在线收听

Scene 204 服装店

❶ 我喜欢这件衣服的设计。I like the design of the garment.

对话 A: I like the design of the garment. 我喜欢这件衣服的设计。

B: You have good taste. 您真有品味。

❷ 哪些是新到的裙子?Which are new arrival skirts?

对话 A: Nice to meet you again, Madam. How can I help you? 女士,很高兴再见到您。需要帮忙吗?

B: Which are new arrival skirts? 哪些是新到的裙子?

A: Please follow me. 请跟我来。

❸ 这里有牛仔裤卖吗?Do you carry jeans here?

对话 A: Do you carry jeans here? 这里有牛仔裤卖吗?

B: Yes, we have the latest styles. 有,我们有最新的款式。

❹ 这款羊绒衫只今天打折。The cashmere sweater is on sale only for today.

对话 A: The cashmere sweater is on sale only for today. 这款羊绒衫只今天打折。

B: I want to try it on. 我想试穿一下。

❺ 这件看起来有点太朴素了。It looks a bit too plain.

对话 A: How about the grey one? We have a big discount now. 这件灰色的怎么样?我们现在有大的折扣。

B: It looks a bit too plain. 这件看起来有点太朴素了。

❻ 太艳了。It's too flashy.

对话 A: Oh, my god! It's too flashy. 噢,天啊!太艳了。

B: We also have plain ones. 我们也有素净一点的。

❼ 这个款式有点过时。This looks a little old-fashioned.

❽ 有些是人造革制成的。Some are made of artificial leather.

对话 A: I'm wondering if all the bags are made of real leather. 我想知道是否所有的包都是真皮的。

B: No. Some are made of artificial leather. 不,有些是人造革制成的。

❾ 这是皮制的。It's made of leather.

对话 A: May I have a look at the purse in the display window? 我能看看橱窗里的钱包吗?

B: Sure, here you are. 好的,给您。

A: It's made of leather. 这是皮制的。

❿ 您真有品味。You have good taste.

对话 A: I think I look better in this color. 我觉得我穿这个颜色更好看。

B: You have good taste. 您真有品味。
