Scene 205 试穿(在线收听

Scene 205 试穿

❶ 试衣间在哪儿?Where is the fitting room?

对话 A: Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪儿?

B: Just over there. 就在那边。

❷ 我可以试穿这条裤子吗?Could I try on this pair of pants?

对话 A: Could I try on this pair of pants? 我可以试穿这条裤子吗?

B: Yes. Please hand me the hanger. 可以,请把衣架递给我。

❸ 抱歉,最多只能带六件进去。Sorry. You can bring a maximum of six pieces.

对话 A: Excuse me, can I try these? 不好意思,我能试穿这些吗?

B: Sorry. You can bring a maximum of six pieces. 抱歉,最多只能带六件进去。

❹ 这件您穿得很紧吗?Is it too tight on you?

这样回答 The dress doesn't fit well. It's a little tight here. 这条裙子不是很合身。这儿有点紧。

❺ 请量一下我的尺寸好吗?Would you take my measurements, please?

对话 A: Which size are you fitting in? 您穿什么尺寸的?

B: I'm not sure. Would you take my measurements, please? 我也不太确定,请量一下我的尺寸好吗?

❻ 这衬衫有小号的吗?Do you have this shirt in a small size?

对话 A: Do you have this shirt in a small size? 这衬衫有小号的吗?

B: This size is suitable for you. Try it on. 这件就是您的尺寸,试一试吧。

❼ 您穿这个特别好看。It looks really great on you.

对话 A: It looks really great on you. 您穿这个特别好看。

B: Really? I think I look fat in this. 真的吗?我觉得我穿着显胖。

❽ 先生,您觉得这件衬衫怎么样?What do you think of this shirt, sir?

对话 A: What do you think of this shirt, sir? 先生,您觉得这件衬衫怎么样?

B: It looks good. Can I go to the fitting-room and try it on? 看起来挺好的。我能去试衣间试试吗?

A: Sure. 当然可以了。

❾ 我去哪儿试穿?Where may I try them on?

对话 A: I like the black slacks. Where may I try them on? 我喜欢这条黑色的休闲裤。我去哪儿试穿?

B: This way, please. Here's the fitting-room. 请这边走。这是试衣间。

A: OK. Thanks. 好的。谢谢。

❿ 这件外套看上去怎么样?How does the coat look?
