Scene 244 确认机票(在线收听

Scene 244 确认机票

❶ 您必须提前48小时再次确认机位。You must make a reconfirmation 48 hours ahead.

对话 A: Do I have to reconfirm? 我需要再确认机位吗?

B: You must make a reconfirmation 48 hours ahead. 您必须提前48小时再次确认机位。

❷ 请告诉我您的电子票号和身份证号。Your e-ticket number and ID card number, please.

对话 A: I need to confirm my ticket. 我需要确认一下我的机票。

B: Your e-ticket number and ID card number, please. 请告诉我您的电子票号和身份证号。

❸ 您明天飞往纽约的111号班机的机票已确认无误。You are booked and confirmed on Flight 111 to New York tomorrow.

❹ 您的机票已确认。Your tickets have been confirmed.

同类表达 Your reservation has been confirmed. 您的预订已确认。

❺ 这些机票不可退。There is no refund on these tickets.

同类表达 These tickets are non-refundable.

❻ 如果我想取消预订怎么办?What if I need to cancel the reservation?

同类表达 What do I need to do to cancel the reservation?

这样回答 You need to call 24 hours in advance. 那你需要提前24小时打电话。

❼ 我可以更改航班吗?Can I change my flight schedule?

同类表达 I want to change my flight reservation. 我想更改预订的机票。

❽ 我应该提前几个小时退票?How long in advance do I need to cancel the ticket?

同类表达 If I want to cancel the ticket, how many hours in advance do I need to do it?

❾ 我想取消原来的机票预订,换乘TG805航班。I want to cancel my flight

reservation, and change to Flight TG805.同类表达 I have to change my plan so I would like to apply for a refund of my ticket. 由于


❿ 退票的话,您必须支付100元的手续费。You have to pay 100 yuan for refund.

同类表达 It is 10% of the original price. 需要收取原价的10%。

Do you charge if I cancel my flight? 如果取消航班的话收费吗?
