Scene 245 办理登机(在线收听

Scene 245 办理登机

❶ 请问中国国际航空公司办理登机手续的柜台在哪里?Where is the check-in counter of Air China?

同类表达 May I check in here for flight TG 888 to Bangkok? 去曼谷的TG888次航班是在这里办理登机手续吗?

❷ 您可以查看大屏幕上的航班信息。You can check the flight information on the screen.

❸ 请把您的机票和护照给我好吗?May I have your ticket and passport, please?

同类表达 Please give me your ticket and passport.

❹ 我想要靠窗的座位。I'd like a window seat.

同类表达 May I get an aisle seat? 我能要个靠过道的座位吗?

An aisle seat, please. 我要靠走道的座位,谢谢。

❺ 还有没有其他连在一起的座位?Do you have any other seats open where we can sit together?

同类表达 I want to sit beside my husband. 我想坐在我丈夫旁边。

这样回答 Let me check. 我查一下。

❻ 这是您的机票及登机牌。Here are your tickets and your boarding pass.

同类表达 Please keep your tickets and your boarding pass. 请保管好您的机票和登机牌。

Here you go. This is your boarding card. 给,这是您的登机牌。

❼ 您的登机口号码在机票的底部。Your gate number is on the ticket at the bottom.

对话 A: Could you please tell me what my gate number is? 你能告诉我我的登机口号码吗?

B: Oh, your gate number is on the ticket at the bottom. 哦,您的登机口号码在机票的底部。

❽ 飞机三小时后起飞。The flight departs in three hours.

同类表达 When does the flight leave? 飞机何时起飞?

❾ 什么时候办理登机手续?When do I need to check in for the flight?

同类表达 When am I supposed to check in?

When should I check in for my flight?

❿ 在飞机起飞前30分钟开始登机。Boarding will start thirty minutes before the departure time.
