Scene 261 其他服务(在线收听

Scene 261 其他服务

❶ 这里是前台,有什么需要帮忙的吗?Front desk, can I help you?

同类表达 This is Room Service. 这里是客房服务部。

❷ 这是我们为客人提供的一项免费服务。It's a service we offer to our guests for free.

同类表达 Is the pool free for guests? 游泳池免费供房客使用吗?

Charge it to my room, please. 请把费用算在我的住宿费里。

❸ 运动器械是免费提供的。Sports equipment is available free of charge.

❹ 有娱乐场所吗?Is there any place where we can amuse ourselves?

这样回答 Yes, there is a lounge bar along the hall. 有,大厅里有休闲酒吧。

❺ 健身房24小时开放。The fitness room is open 24 hours.

同类表达 Is there a fitness room in the hotel? 酒店里有健身房吗?

❻ 房间的电话能拨外线吗?Will the phone in the room make outside calls?

同类表达 How do I make internal calls? 请问内线电话怎么打?

Can I get online in my room? 房间里可以上网吗?

❼ 房间之间打电话,请先拨2再拨房号。For room-to-room calls, please dial 2 first and then the room number.

同类表达 For outside calls, please dial 5 first and then your desired telephone number. 拨打外线电话,请先拨5,然后拨您要拨的电话号码。

❽ 灯的开关在哪里?Where are the light switches?

这样回答 This is the light switch and that is the temperature adjuster, sir. 先生,这是电灯


❾ 你们都提供哪些娱乐项目?What kind of entertainment do you have?

对话 A: What kind of entertainment do you have? 你们都提供哪些娱乐项目?

B: We have swimming pool, bar and fitness room. 我们有游泳池、酒吧,还有健身房。

❿ 我晚上八点需要一辆豪华轿车。I would like a limo, 8:00 p.m..

对话 A: Do you need me to arrange someone to pick you up? 要我安排人接你吗?

B: Please. I would like a limo, 8:00 p.m.. 多谢。我晚上八点需要一辆豪华轿车。
